
The best adaptive slider. With unicorns.

Download Unicornslider

Property Default Type Description
debug false Boolean Debug mode displays infos to the console, values true or false
wrapAround true Boolean Show arrows across borders, values true or false
leanWrapper false Boolean Shrink wrapper to minmal size, values true or false
orientation "horizontal" String Select the animation direction, values "horizontal" or "vertical"
namespace "unicornslider‑" String Prefix string attached to the class of every element generated by the plugin
easing "swing" String Determines the easing method used in jQuery transitions. jQuery easing plugin is supported!
prevText "prev" String Will be inserted in prev tag
nextText "next" String Will be inserted in next tag
style "" String Additional class for style in parent element. There are 4 predefined styles ("pinkelephant, earlgrey, lattemacchiato and gargleblaster"), allthough you can of course define your own.
centerActive "on" String Select if active element is centered, values "off", "mobile", "desktop" or "on"
buttonHeight 50 Integer Height of button element in px
buttonWidth 50 Integer Width of button element in px
visibleItems 1 Integer The maximal number of items visible
scrollItems 1 Integer The maximal number of items to scroll on button click
speed 1000 Integer Animation speed in Milliseconds
startFrom 0 Integer The item active on init
init function() {} Function Callback function that fires on init done
button function() {} Function Callback function that fires on button "prev" or "next" before button click is processed
animationStart function() {} Function Callback function that fires on animation started
animationEnd function() {} Function Callback function that fires on animation ended
destroyed function() {} Function Callback function that fires on slider destroyed

debug is a boolean property that will determine if the slider logs actions to the console.

Default: false
Accepts: Boolean

    debug: true

wrapAround is a boolean property that will determine if the navigation buttons are shown across borders.

Default: true
Accepts: Boolean

    wrapAround: false

leanWrapper is a boolean property that will determine if the wrapper is shrinked to a minimal width.

Default: false
Accepts: Boolean

    leanWrapper: true

orientation will determine the orientation of the slider.

Default: "horizontal"
Accepts: "horizontal" or "vertical"

    orientation: "vertical"

namespace is a prefix string attached to the class names of all elements generated by the plugin.

Default: "unicornslider-"
Accepts: String

    namespace: "different-namespace" // adjust css also if you do this!

easing allows support for jQuery easing! Default options provided by jQuery are "swing" and "linear" but more can be used by included the jQuery Easing plugin. If you choose a non-existent easing method, the slider will use "swing" as a fallback.

Default: "swing"
Accepts: String

    easing: "linear"

prevText defines the text that is shown in the prev button.

Default: "prev"
Accepts: String

    prevText: "back"

nextText defines the text that is shown in the next button.

Default: "next"
Accepts: String

    nextText: "forth"

style defines additional classes that are added to slider for styling.

Default: ""
Accepts: String

    style: "my-own-style"

centerActive defines if selected element is centered.

Default: "on"
Accepts: "off", "mobile", "desktop" or "on"

    centerActive: "off"

scrollItems defines the maximal number of items to scroll on nav button click (is reduced to number of visible items).

Default: 1
Accepts: Integer

    scrollItems: 3

buttonHeight defines height of the navigation buttons.

Default: 50
Accepts: Integer

    buttonHeight: 70

buttonWidth defines width of the navigation buttons.

Default: 50
Accepts: Integer

    buttonWidth: 70

visibleItems defines number of maximal visible items (is reduced to number of visible items).

Default: 1
Accepts: Integer

    visibleItems: 99 // show as many items as can be shown

visibleItems defines number of maximal visible items to scroll (is reduced to number of visible items).

Default: 1
Accepts: Integer

    scrollItems: 99 // scroll as many items as can be scrolled

speed defines animation speed in ms.

Default: 1000
Accepts: Integer

    speed: 500 // faster animation

startFrom defines the active element on init.

Default: 0
Accepts: Integer

    startFrom: 2 // zero based, so third element is 2

init fires on unicornslider init.

Default: function() {}
Accepts: Function

    init: function() {
        console.log("slider init");

button fires on unicornslider button click.

Default: function() {}
Accepts: Function

    button: function() {
        console.log("button clicked"); // e.g. bind sounds to this event

animationStart fires on unicornslider animation start.

Default: function() {}
Accepts: Function

    animationStart: function() {
        console.log("animation started");

animationEnd fires on unicornslider animation end.

Default: function() {}
Accepts: Function

    animationEnd: function() {
        console.log("animation ended");

destroyed fires on unicornslider destroyed.

Default: function() {}
Accepts: Function

    destroyed: function() {
        console.log("slider destroyed");